Naturopathy is a holistic healing method that focuses on using nature's gifts to treat illnesses without the use of medicines. It utilizes the body's own healing power, enabling individuals to heal themselves. The approach begins by identifying the root cause of the illness and addressing that underlying issue. Once the illness has occurred, natural elements like water, food, oils, mud, massages, and sunlight are used for treatment. Naturopathy also includes practices like acupressure and acupuncture.
Cause - One of the biggest causes of pain is our poor lifestyle and incorrect posture, especially during work. Injuries or strains on the lower back can also result from improper posture or incorrect exercise techniques. Many treatments are used to treat backpain
Diet - A proper diet should be rich in calcium, protein, and minerals to strengthen the muscles. Good antioxidants and fiber in the diet are also important to maintain digestion and ensure proper nutrient absorption. Weight gain can sometimes worsen pain, so weight management through diet is also a key aspect of treatment.
Herbs are used to relieve muscle pain in the back. These herbs can be consumed as decoctions, added to food, or applied through oils or poultices.
Hydrotherapy (Water Therapy) is a key part of naturopathy. Water is used in various forms and temperatures for different conditions. For pain relief, hot water is most commonly used, applied through various methods such as hip baths, spinal baths, spinal sprays, full immersion bath, hot compresses, etc., depending on the type of pain.
Massage is another essential technique in naturopathy. Therapeutic oils are used for massages, and acupressure massage may involve dry techniques or the use of herbal powders. Massage plays a significant role in alleviating pain.
Acupressure is based on specific pressure points in the body that are connected to nerve points responsible for pain relief. These points have been identified through research, and applying pressure to them can help reduce pain. Sometimes, these points are massaged, or they can be targeted individually to provide relief.
Acupuncture involves inserting thin needles at specific meridian points in the body. These meridians are pathways through which energy flows, and targeting them with needles can help address pain. The treatment is typically done for 30 minutes per session and usually requires 10 to 12 sessions for full recovery. Some patients may need Maintenance sessions also. Acupuncture is a safe, non-invasive treatment method, it is usually painless and no bleeding occurs during the process.
Sunlight Therapy (Sun Bath) - May seem like simply basking in the sun, but it has significant healing potential. It not only increases vitamin D levels in the body, also boosts healing in the skin and muscles, and promotes overall well-being. Sunbathing is sometimes combined with the use of herbal leaf wraps, referred to as "atap snan" (solar bath).
Magnet Therapy uses high-power magnets to treat nerve-related issues and pain. Small magnets can be placed on specific areas of the body where pain is felt, helping to alleviate discomfort.
Through these various natural methods, naturopathy promotes the body's natural healing abilities, supporting recovery in a holistic, safe, and non-invasive manner